Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final Review

I am very pleased to write that the ESP 621 course has taught me a great deal about assessment, including the amount of detail that is involved with assessing an individual. As I began this course I was inexperienced with assessments.  However, as a result of ESP 621, I found the information very useful in helping me develop a fundamental understanding and awareness. In addition, with the conclusion of this course I will now be prepared to relate to future content information with my future courses.

ESP 621 was one of my first courses in graduate school. And though I have many other topics to learn in the future, I am confident that having developed a background in assessments at the beginning of my graduate program will greatly help me recognize the significance of ASD assessments, as well as the treatments.

I found the assessment text book by Glasberg to be very useful by the manner in which the topics were presents. This was especially beneficial because of my background. I will definitely recommend this text for my future classes due to its structure and information involving assessments, FBA, how behaviors are learned, as well as why many behaviors occur. In addition, the information I have learned from the ESP 621 class discussion is another reminder of how important communicating with a variety of a team’s members is essential on a daily basis for bother educators and assessors.

The Wiki website concept was such a great idea. I was a little hesitant at first, because I never heard of a Wiki, and was unsure what was involved. Working in groups was also beneficial because we had chances to learn from each other about our experiences in the classroom. This experience helped each of us to easily share our own  material through the Wiki. The Wiki not only helped me contribute to the classroom, but also provided a clearer understanding of an inclusion classroom, especially its importance for younger children.

Overall, ESP 621 was a great class and definitely kept me on my toes! It made me really think and process what I have learned over the semester. And even though there is so much knowledge to remember when discussing assessment, I can now leave this class being confident that I know much more then I originally did. I look forward to using assessment knowledge in my future

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