Sunday, February 12, 2012

Autism Assessment and Education video

The video was interesting; the information presented could be useful and informative to other educators, parents, therapists and others involved in teaching children on the ASD spectrum. The Speaker emphasized the difference between a medical diagnosis and an educational assessment. A diagnosis is given by a medical professional and is also criterion based; educational assessments are conducted by teams of educators in the school setting. A student with a diagnosis does not automatically qualify for special education services, but an educational team can provide a student with those services. Educational teams would never diagnose a student; only evaluate them to determine their need for SPED. 
An aspect of the video that stood out to me was the emphasis on involving parents in the assessment and development process as well as creating teams that include OTs, speech therapists, teachers and other educational professionals that work with the students. I believe that this is an important part of developing an educational plan for a student. As a provider of educational services to children on the ASD spectrum it is very helpful to have the support and input of the parents as well as the other professionals involved with the student. It creates a stable environment for creating and implementing programs and generalizing learned skills. Although I am not apart of a specialized team, it is still beneficial for the student if we are all on the same page. 

1 comment:

  1. Porchea, your point about parents is so well taken! Parents are the first assessors of their children and educators can learn so much important information from them. It is critical that they be well informed and part of the team assessment team from the very beginning of the process.
